Saturday 15 December 2012

Week 12 - Life Drawing - Facial Expression

5 minute sketch, Fine Liner and Graphite Stick
These set of sketches are focused on capturing the facial expression in the face and also the subtle movements of the facial features, it is important to capture how the facial muscles tense and relax to form different expressions. You can see some this theory applied in the sketch and is a follows:
  •  Good amount of expression captured in this sketch as seen in the clenching of the cheeks and the wrinkles at the side of the eyes and on the forehead.
  • Solid proportion to the face and positioning of the facial features show off the slight tilt of the face.
  • The creases of the cheeks being pushed together emphasise the round fatty deposits being pushed together and the wrinkles around the eyes  and mouth empathise the eye sockets and  muscles around the mouth.
  • It still looks fairly two dimensional could used shading on the face to make the facial features really pop out and look more three dimensional.
  • More detail and tidying up the hand and adding to the head would complete this quick sketch.
  • The angle of the nose appears to be wrong and does need to be corrected as the perspective makes it look flat.

10 minute sketch, Fine Liner and Graphite Stick
This is a slightly longer sketch on facial expression, it is still important to focus on the subtlites of the facial feature which make an expression clear and readable. The following theory is visable in this sketch:
  • Increaased amount of detail to the face showing clear wrinkles areound the eyes as they are closed  tightly, the brow showing stress lines, on the forehead and around around the mouth showing wrinkles where the lips are being pressed together.
  • Solid perspective of the nose and face showing it from a downwards angle giving it more expression to the face.
  • Some good tonal values showing the clear, bold shadows down the right side of the face as seen in the sketch and under the eyes and chin,
  • Clear protrayl of the facial expression giving a sense of a sort of deep think expression with the eyes close, face tilted down, and tensing of the forehead.

  • The nose is too long and is not proportionally correct to the rest of the face it need to be shortened.
  • A greater suggestion of the dynomism in the head tilt and face would give this sketch more prespective on the shadows cast on the face and emphisise on the facial expression.



5 minute sketch, Fine Liner and Graphite Stick

This quick sketch is still focused on facail expression but it was more a foucus on getting the proportion and perspective right as well as capturing the expression of the face. The theory is shown as follows:
  • Good, clear representation of the frown lines on the face where the muscles under the eyes, around the mouth and on the brow are tensed to create wrinkles where the skin is bunching together.
  • The tilt of the face and head gives the a more interesting perspective allowing you to see under the nose almosr looking up at the closed eyes.
  • Solid proportion as seen by the even spacing of the facial features and compasisment to the rest of the face.
  • The added information on the wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and forehead helps to give this sketch more expression and creates a mood of almost frustration or anger.
  • Greater tonal value is needed to express where the light is hitting the face in this sketch to add more drama and perspective.
  • A more completed drawing would offer more indication to how the head is positioned and where the light is coming from.
  • The width of the eyes seem too big and the gap between them seems too small.

Week 11 - Life Drawing - Anatomy of the face

10 minute sketch, Graphite Stick

 The focus of these set of life drawing sketches is the anatomy of the face and this focuses on the proportion of the face and all the features on it, capturing the anatomy of the face and head and also the perspective. A number of important theories are applied in this sketch as follows:
  • Good proportion of the face and facial features as you can see the face is split into three sections from brow to end of nose, from nose to chin and from brow to end of forehead they measure the same distance.
  • Nice amount of detail on the face seen in the wrinkles around the eyes, around the mouth and on the forehead.
  • Dark, bold and  curved line emphasise the contour of the face and also the structure of the face and nose.
  • Offers a good amount of facial anatomy seen,  in the mouth as the wrinkles and lip muscles form an oval shape around the mouth, structure of the cheek bone and nose and also the eyes and forehead.
  • I feel that the perspective of the nose in this pose isn't correct and should be more side on.
  • More tonal value around the features on the face would give a better impression on how the light hits the face and how the shadows are cast.
  • Increased detail and shape around the ears and hair is needed to put the side of the head into perspective.

20 minute sketch, Graphite Stick
This sketch is a longer sketch still focused on facial anatomy and getting the proportions of the face correct and showing the anatomy, the theory shown in this sketch is as follows:
  • Use of dark lines to emphasise the deeper wrinkles on the face and and lighter lines to show lighter wrinkles.
  • The proportion of the face and the positioning of the facial features are good as the measurements of the eyes to nose is the same as the nose to chin and brow to forehead.
  •  The perspective of both the head and the face are solid and show off the slight angle of the head and positioning of the eyes.
  •  Light shading and mark making shows off the shadows cast on the face and the darker shadows under the eyes and nose.
  • A good show of anatomy seen in the nose, mouth,cheek and eyes.
  • More shadow and perspective lines would help to make the face and head look more three dimensional.
  • The hands are not drawn as well as I would have liked they are not in proportion in the fingers.
  • Capturing more likeness by adding subtle skin tone and features would make this sketch look more life like.