Monday, 14 January 2013

Final Piece - Landscape

1hr 15 minutes, Graphic Markers
This is my final piece for landscape, the mainfocus of this drawing is to show good compisition, finesse with material, solid perspective, tonal value and layers of detail. The theory shown in the sketch is as follows:
  •  Nice compistion of the sketch as the eye is lead into the distance by the two orthangonal lines stretching from the left and right and meeting behind the tree, this leads the eye fromthe foreground to the mid and background.
  • The perspective is solid and appears to be drawn for raised platform looking down from a higher grassy bank down onto water and more banks in the distance.
  • Good level of detail with highly detail trees, grass and pathway in the foreground and the lighter water and more bushes and greenary in the distance with a variation in detail.
  • An example of foreshortening on the bank to the left across the water as the trees and henges get smaller.
  • Lots of tonal vaules as the darker more saturated tones bring in the foreground and the lighter less saturated tones fade into the distance.
  • Some implies lines from the top of the tallest tree down to the right  on the tip of the greenary and also the left to the middle.
  • The sky is a bit dark in places and could of been lightened up if had chance.
  • Some structural content would have made this sketch more interesting and gave it a better perspective.
  • Some things look a bit flat and need to be more three dimaesional.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Final Piece - Life Drawing

1 hour sketch, Fine Liner Pen
This is my final piece for life drawing, this sketch was focused on the proportion, measurement, facial anatomy, composition and  finesse with the medium. The following theory is visable in this sketch:
  • Good finesse with the material as the lines are clean, sharp and curved to give the face a more round form and the eyes.
  • Good anatomy the size and spacing of all the facial features, they are well proportioned to the rest of the face.
  • Captures the mood and expression the mouth shows a slight raise at each side for a slight smile and the eyes are wide open.
  • Nice level of detail seen in the hair, under the eyes, around the mouth, forehead and nose.
  • The compistion of the sketch is solid and does give the indictation of a sllight head turn.
  • The sketch does look a bit flat again and more tonal value would give the face better depth and also make it more three dimesional.
  • Capturing the likeness hasn't gone exactly right it needs more subtle detail and tone to the skin.
  • The gesture of the face could have been made clearer as it is confusing to read exactly what is being shown.

Final Piece - Still Life

1 hour sketch, Hard Chalk Pastel
This is one of my final pieces for still life, this sketch was focused on showing solid composition, finesse with material, detail and tonal value. The theory visible in this sketch is as follows:
  •  Nice, dark, crisp and curved lines emphasise the shape and form of the glass vase, candle, the flowers and leaves.
  • Good tonal values achieved by the chalk helps to create a sense of light and shadow, this can be seen on the leaves of the flower and on the flowers themselves also seen on the glass to create the water effect and candle.
  • Solid composition as seen by how the objects sit on the table and cast small shadows effected by the light.
  • Effective use of the material to softer lines and tones on the leaves giving them a more natural feel and harder more refined lines on the glass vase and candle to give them a man made feel.
  • A well balenced sketch with no kissing objects, no orphaned objects and  a sense of slight distance between the candle and flowers as the candle is slightly further foward.
  • Use of implied line to link the flowers down to the candle by flowing the nearesr leaf down to the candle and on to the table.
  • Simple compostion could have been made more complex with more object at different angles or drapery leading the eye around more.
  •  Prespective is still simple and could have been take either higher up looking down or lower down looking up.
  • Greater tonal values on the table would give a better indication on the light hitting it.