Wednesday 9 January 2013

Final Piece - Life Drawing

1 hour sketch, Fine Liner Pen
This is my final piece for life drawing, this sketch was focused on the proportion, measurement, facial anatomy, composition and  finesse with the medium. The following theory is visable in this sketch:
  • Good finesse with the material as the lines are clean, sharp and curved to give the face a more round form and the eyes.
  • Good anatomy the size and spacing of all the facial features, they are well proportioned to the rest of the face.
  • Captures the mood and expression the mouth shows a slight raise at each side for a slight smile and the eyes are wide open.
  • Nice level of detail seen in the hair, under the eyes, around the mouth, forehead and nose.
  • The compistion of the sketch is solid and does give the indictation of a sllight head turn.
  • The sketch does look a bit flat again and more tonal value would give the face better depth and also make it more three dimesional.
  • Capturing the likeness hasn't gone exactly right it needs more subtle detail and tone to the skin.
  • The gesture of the face could have been made clearer as it is confusing to read exactly what is being shown.

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