Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Week 3 - Landscape - Tonal value and Mixing Media

30 minute sketch, Graphic Marker
This is a sketch of the Atrium on Bradford University campus this was a study of perspective and finesse with one type of media, in this case graphic markers, the drawing shows the following:

  • The perspective is good and you can see how it has been planned to show the different perspectives and angles offered from the atrium roof and the buildings that interact with it.
  • Different tonal values help to pick out where the light hits the buildings and where the shadows are being cast. It also adds surface detail with the lighter parts acting as reflections from the sun.
  • Points of interest are determined by the darkness of shadow and also the increase in surface detail, this helps the eye to move more pleasingly around the sketch.
  • Follows good rule of thirds with equal amounts of detail conveyed throughout to keep interest.
  • The orthogonal lines stretch far off the page and the drawing could a further back perspective to draw the orthogonal lines closer together.
  • The composition could be made more interesting by including more in the frame.
  • Conveying stronger layers from foreground, background and mid ground would make the composition more interesting.

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