Wednesday 24 October 2012

Week 5 - Landscape - Skyscapes, Weather and Colour

50 minutes, Soft Chalk Pastels
This sketch was focus on skyscapes and more importantly capturing the emotion, colour and weather in the drawing, a number of landscape theories are shown and are as follows:
  • The sky offers a good impressionistic style with good use of tonal and colour values seen in the darker contrasting clouds and sky.
  • Interpretive use of colour gives both the sky and city scape texture and tone, adding to the overall style of the sketch.
  • Lowered horizon line creates a stretching sky scape which give this sketch a interesting perspective.
  •  Non literal interpretation of information allows handling of complex information in this sketch.

  • The plain compistion could be more interesting if taken from a different angle.
  •  This sketch could be made more interesting with clearer layers of detail to create a sense of stretching cityscape.
  • A more literal use of colour woul give this sketch a more realistic interpritation of the colour of the sky and buildings.

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